The access way for disabled people in the Anděl metro station has been designed from the ground level on the corner of Nádražní and Bozděchova streets using a cascade of passenger elevators. A pair of personal lifts has been designed from the pavement level into the new angled transfer corridor. A pair of personal lifts platform metro B (AN) leads from this corridor, the elevators are not in the line and also not in alignment on the platform for the reason of respecting the technical layout of the space under the platform. Three armed security and escape stairway has been designed in the space behind the elevator shaft from the transit corridor to the platform level. The AOC check-in line and the pressure cap have been designed in a transit corridor behind the elevator shaft. The pressure cap is located in front of the access corridor. Anděl metro station (formerly Moskevská) is located in the south of the intersection Andel at Smichov in the space defined by Plzeňská, Nádražní Za Ženskými domovy and Stroupežnického. The station provides service of commercial and administrative center Smíchov and at the same time, this station has also a strong connection to the public transport.